Our day-to-day life
In the search for the next transformations, we believe that multidisciplinarity and collaboration are key premises for new discoveries. For that to happen, being present, fostering exchanges, proposing paths and leveraging ideas as a team are the foundation for creating new solutions - from internal processes to projects with each client.
We are (always) looking for a solution
Our actions are driven by a problem-solving approach, whether it involves designing new products or adjusting or refining internal processes. While new challenges are inevitable in our day-to-day operations, they serve as opportunities for growth and innovation rather than obstacles. We are looking for people willing to collaborate, brainstorm collectively, and contribute to the design of alternative solutions for optimal outcomes.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We look to the future and transform the present
We act as a strategic extension of our clients. Our deliveries and services are guided by our ability to align our strategies with the growth and development of each business. We connect creative thinking to practical execution, providing short, medium and long-term outcomes.
Freedom, responsibility and quality
These three values go hand in hand. They stem from the understanding that doubts and challenges will always arise throughout the process and because of that, transparency and trust need to be continually nurtured. In other words, we are always open to listening, thinking together, aligning and realigning paths when and if necessary. It is fundamental to consider each person's perspective of the process in every step of the way.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
We believe in the co-creating of diverse perspectives, developing memorable solutions and generating impactful transformations in different markets.
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serviços da TRINCA.
It's always about people
Relationships are at the heart of all we do. Relationships with the market, the clients and colleagues. For us, there is no "them", only "us". It is through each person's perspective that we are able to create the best possible experiences and solutions. Eye contact (even remotely), tone of voice, proper care, empathy and collaboration must always be present in the process.
Contato TRINCA
1. Em caso de dúvidas quanto ao tratamento de dados pessoais pela TRINCA ou em caso de precisar se comunicar conosco para assuntos envolvendo dados pessoais, entre em contato com Marcus Jalmusny por meio do e-mail contato@trinca.com (artigo 41, LGPD).
2. Recebida a requisição, a TRINCA a analisará e poderá responder-lhe, no prazo de 15 dias (artigo 19, inciso II, LGPD), de duas maneiras, determinando que:
2.1. seu pedido é lícito e legítimo, devendo, portanto, ser acatado; ou
2.2. seu pedido foi negado e, por determinadas razões, não poderá ser acatado, caso em que informaremos os motivos pelos quais o pedido não foi aprovado.
3. Todas as nossas respostas serão sempre enviadas pelo mesmo meio pelo qual foi feito o contato.
4. Informações específicas poderão ser solicitadas para confirmar sua identidade e garantir a possibilidade de que o titular possa exercer os seus Direitos. Esta é uma medida de segurança para assegurar que os Dados pessoais não sejam divulgados a qualquer pessoa que não tenha legitimidade para recebê-los.
5. Poderemos armazenar e manter, em forma de registro, um histórico das requisições de Direitos feitas pelos titulares para que possamos, se necessário, apresentá-lo às autoridades competentes como prova de que respondemos os pedidos em tempo hábil e da maneira adequada, conforme a legislação estabelece.